A memory, sometimes two, per candle light as the National Empowerment of People Living with HIV in Kenya- NEPHAK met last week to remember their heroes, their spouses, their children, parents and friends lost to the worlds forgotten pandemic; AIDS.
Equity Bank's interest expenses on customer deposits almost doubled from Kes5 billion to Kes9.5 billion signaling the challenge facing lenders as depositors become more aware of the value of their money.
The vinyl had been replaced by the tape, the tape by the CD, by the flashdisk, memory stick, now everything's in the cloud. What chance did they have against virtual storage, but some few eccentrics and lost souls.
But this helplessness was weird. The Capital Markets Authority, working with the Communication Commission of Kenya (CCK) together with the Central Bank of Kenya had the capacity of closing down payment channels for unlicensed brokers.
The high loss rates witnessed on online forex trading has shocked Kenyan officials who are debating on whether to treat these products like cigarettes, literally attaching glaring warning signs saying you are unlikely to win and 90 per cent chance your money
For Odiero, this was a magical moment, it confirmed everything in his belief in choosing Kakwe for his wife. This could not have happened in Germany on a cold winter night thinking of gas prices, it could only happen in Sindo, tonight,
The motorcycle riders often take a quarter to half a litre for short trips, at times funded by their customers before setting out. The boda boda who had shouted Hustler loudest are now angriest against President William Ruto’s regime.
President Uhuru Kenyatta had been adamant about going after the private sector openly. But his successor President William Ruto was not beholden to this private sector; and seen as a political outsider, he gave the IMF the most realistic opportunity to change