I had hired out my vehicle and the driver used to call me all the time to fix it. But when I retired and finally repossessed it, I was being stopped in all garages asking for their money
Kondele Mowuok- are the matatus that ply Kisumu's main town service. For retirees, this cash business can seem like a logical venture to sink years of savings upon retirement.
Customers will have access to transactional accounts, savings accounts, deposit accounts, Shari’ah-compliant solutions, financial advisory services, and more.
Kenya has even turned to printing money, to pay bondholders with the Central Bank of Kenya revealing they advanced the government Kes22.6 billion to meet bond interest payments.
Two Kenyan business journalist who have covered debt and economy over the last decade have a conversation about misdiagnosis of the Gen Z crisis amid a debt, political and geopolitical crisis and why we need new political actors.
Helios set up the Africa focused sports fund last year eyeing the African market, the youngest of the world’s continents with 15 and 24 year olds constituting 19.4 percent of the total population, while children under 15 years are nearly 41 percent
Even as Kenyan banks build strong IT systems to prevent digital fraud, criminals are still getting access from inside men and customers who hand over passwords to a stranger over the telephone, forget to report a stolen ID or transact in public
The combination of savings with insurance is likely to draw small business deposits to Absa Bank putting the lender on a market lead to secure cheap savings at a time when deposits in the banking sector are very expensive.